Secondary methods

Ad impression

The event is used for individual tracking of ad revenue on user devices. The method is used if there are CPI data available on the client device (they can be obtained from the ad network SDK).

Do not apply this method if you use ad networks that utilize the server-server protocol for sending ad revenue data (ironSource, AppLovin MAX, and Fyber networks) and you already set up this method of data collection because if you use both data sources, your revenue data may be duplicated.




from 1 to 100 symbols

Name of the ad network responsible for the impression



from 0,0 to Double.max

Reward for banner display in USD



from 1 to 100 symbols, optional

Banner placement



from 1 to 100 symbols, optional

Banner name

DTDAnalytics.adImpression(network: "Network name",
                          revenue: 0.15,
                          placement: "Placement of the banner",
                          unit: "Banner title")

Connecting to social networks

The event is used to track connections to social media channels.

Use the following constants to specify a social network:

.facebook, .vkontakte , .twitter, .googleplus, .whatsapp, .viber, .evernote, .googlemail, .linkedin, .pinterest, .qzone, .reddit, .renren, .tumblr

Or create an object with the desired social media name.

let network = DTDSocialNetwork(name: "NetworkName")
DTDAnalytics.socialNetworkConnect(socialNetwork: network)

Posting to social networks

Track social media posts and analyze their effectiveness and virality. Pass the event after the post has been approved by social media.

DTDAnalytics.socialNetworkPost(socialNetwork: .facebook, 
                                      reason: "New level reached")


If you have referral information, you can pass it using the following method:

let referrerData = [DTDReferralProperty.source: "AdWords",
                    DTDReferralProperty.medium: "CPI",
                    DTDReferralProperty.content: "Snow Boots",
                    DTDReferralProperty.campaign: "Warm Snow Boots",
                    DTDReferralProperty.term: "shoes+boots"]
DTDAnalytics.referrer(utmData: referrerData)

Force dispatch of accumulated events

To send an event packet before it is full (10 events, by default) or before the end of the period of its formation (2 minutes, by default), you can use immediate dispatch.

We don’t recommend using this method unless absolutely necessary! When the Real payment event is created, the forced dispatch of the packet occurs automatically.


Setters & Getters

When working with getters you should take into account that the new devtodev SDK is completely asynchronous. The execution result must be processed within the completionHandler.

All set and get methods need to be called only after the initialization of the SDK.

It is also worth remembering that the SDK will call the callback in background queues, so we recommend that you transfer the processing of return values to the queue you need.

For example:


Setting User Tracking Status (GDPR)

This method denies/allows tracking of user data and also implements the right to be forgotten in accordance with the requirements of the GDPR.

When this method is called with the 'false' value, the SDK sends a command to the server to delete all personal user data that was collected by devtodev in this application, blocking further user data collection.

The user will remain in the devtodev system only as an impersonal unit in the previously aggregated metrics.

If it is set to ‘true', tracking can be enabled again. In this case, the user will be considered new.

To enable/disable user tracking by the devtodev system. Bool type.

DTDAnalytics.setTrackingAvailability(value: true)

Getting device ID

Get device ID. String type.

DTDAnalytics.getDeviceId { deviceId in
  // your code

Getting the devtodev SDK version

Get the version of the integrated devtodev SDK. String type.

DTDAnalytics.getSDKVersion { sdkVersion in
  // your code

Obtaining user tracking status (GDPR)

Retrieving the saved state of the user tracking permission by the devtodev system. See “Setting User Tracking Status”. Bool type.

DTDAnalytics.getTrackingAvailability { trackingAvailability in
  // your code

Getting devtodev ID

devtodev ID is the primary numeric identifier for the device/user account in the devtodev database. Using devtodev ID, you are sure to find the user in devtodev.

The identifier will be received from the server some time after the initialization of the SDK.

If you have set counting by users, a separate devtodev id will be issued for each device user.

To obtain the devtodev ID, you need to pass the listener to DTDAnalytics:

DTDAnalytics.setIdentifiersListener(listener: self)

The delegate must implement the func didReceiveDevtodevId(with devtodevId: Int)

func didReceiveDevtodevId(with devtodevId: Int) {
  /// your code

The didReceiveDevtodevId method will be called with every ID change on the server side.

Initialization callback

To receive a callback when the SDK initialization is complete, you can use a method that will implement the initialization callback. When the SDK completes the initialization, the callback will be called on the main application thread.

We recommend implementing a callback before calling initialization.

DTDAnalytics.setInitializationCompleteCallback {
  print("Initialized has been finished.")
let config = DTDAnalyticsConfiguration()
config.logLevel = .error
DTDAnalytics.initialize(applicationKey: "App ID", configuration: config)

Last updated

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