Windows Notifications
How to create push notification for Windows
Let's have a look how can you add the message on Step5 for Windows.
Firstly, you need to select the notification type. For Windows you can make a choice between Toast, Tile and Raw notification.
Toast notification
It is possible to sent notifications in several languages to make them more accessible to users from different countries. When the language used on a device is specified among languages of the campaign, the notification will be sent in this language. In case there is no device language among languages of the campaign, the message will be sent in the language that is specified as a default language.
To add or remove a language press the button with a ‘+’ sign.
Firstly, you need to choose a language that will be used by default. In most cases it is English.
Each language is presented in a form of a tab. When switching between tabs, please fill the required fields with translations. Translations are necessary for such fields as ‘Title’, ‘Text’ and ‘Share text’ (if it is used). The rest of notification settings are general and do not depend on translations.
Heading that appears above the notification text in Windows notification area. Optional.
The main message that is displayed in your push notification.
To replace the application icon (that shows up in the top left corner of the toast), use the URL or the resource name.
In Windows 10 the image is expressed using the URI of the image source, using one of the following protocol handlers:
A web-based image: http:// or https://
An image included in the app package: ms-appx:///
An image saved to local storage: ms-appdata:///local/
A local image (Only supported for desktop apps.): file://
A media file to be played instead of a default sound. If the option is not used, a notification comes silently. This property can have one of the following string values:
On a mobile platform, this property can also contain the path to a local audio file, with one of the following prefixes:
You can pass custom parameters with messages and use them within an app. For instance, you can activate advertising campaign or any other functionality for a user who has received this message.
With this function you will be able to send any data, the processing of which can be pre-programmed, in a key-value format to the app. For example, it is possible to activate a promotion or perform any other activity within the app.
Available only for Windows 10 and WP 10.
Actions and Buttons options are available in devtodev SDK version 1.9 or higher.
The action after a click on the body of a notification. By default, a click opens an app. It is possible to perform the following actions:
Home screen - this is the default behavior when a user taps on a push notification. Opens app’s home screen
Deep link - directs the user to a specific resource either within your app or on the web
Web page - opens a web page in a mobile browser or any valid device-level URL, such as Windows Store or app protocol links
Share - the ‘Share’ action drives users to share your message when they interact with your push notification. In case of selecting this action, don’t forget to specify the translations of share texts into all languages used in your push campaign.
Before choosing the template of notification buttons, it is necessary to select the language of the message, which will be used by default (usually it is English).
Accessible button templates can be found in the table with button templates or directly in the interface.
After you have selected a template, you need to set an action of the button. We do not recommend to use actions that contradict the text on the button. Also, the action of the button should not duplicate the action that is used after tapping on the notification body.
In case you are not satisfied with the template you have chosen, you can replace (‘Set another template’ button) or delete it.
The set of accessible actions:
Home screen - this is the default behavior when a user taps on a push notification. Opens app’s home screen
Deep link - directs a user to a specific resource either within your app or on the web
Web page - opens a web page in a mobile browser or any valid device-level URI, such as Google Play or app protocol links
Share - the ‘Share’ action drives users to share your message when they interact with the push notification. In case of selecting this action, don’t forget to specify translations of share texts into all languages used in your push campaign
Dismiss message - dismiss the message, without taking the user into the app
Raw notification
RAW notifications are available on devtodev SDK version 1.9 or higher.
Raw notifications can be used in case you need to send some command to an app and make it invisible to users. Users will not see the message and will not be notified by a special notification signal. This kind of notification is aimed at the app, not users.
Parameters used for sending the data to the app are the same as described in the section about toast notifications.
The tile template is selected automatically based on the content specified in tile settings.
Text 1
The first line of your tile.
Check ‘Header’ attribute to mark the ‘Text 1’ field as a heading to show it larger.
Text 2, Text 3, Text 4
The second, the third and the fourth lines of the tile.
Application-relative or Internet URI of the image.
"red.jpg" (if the image is stored in the app’s installation directory or local storage folder)
"" (for Internet URIs)
We recommend to use images with 336 x 336 pixels resolution.
Important Note:
If you need to use remote Internet URIs for Tile images, you must take the following steps:
Ensure the remote image file size is less than 150 KB
Ensure the image can be downloaded in 60 seconds or less
Last updated
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