Here you can see the example of the game analysis. Additionally we will see the reports on what you should pay attention when analyzing a game of the MMO genre.
Event structure example
In addition to analyzing data in the main reports, you can integrate custom events to track and analyze specific user actions. You can use custom events to get an insight into how users use the application, which quests they accept, how often they interact with each other, which offers they open, and so on. You can also analyze custom event data in the Custom event report.
You can build a funnel and analyze conversion rates at each stage. For example, you send an event every time a user enters an in-game shop, clicks on an item, buys an item. Based on these events, you can build a funnel and check the conversion rate at each stage in the Conversion funnel report. Below you can find examples of events that may be useful to you.
Custom event
Creating an item: the event makes it possible to assess the level, where the player creates items, and the item quantity.
Event name item_created
Parameters item, type,amount,level, e.g., hatchet, arsenal,1,50
item (string) – item name type (string) – item type amount (string) – number level (int) – current level of the character
The event is sent when the character picks up an item (resources, crystals, equipment, quest items, boosters).
Event name item_picked
Parameters item, type,amount,level, e.g., stone hatchet, quest_item,1, 20
item (string) – item name type (string) – item type amount (string) – number level (int) – current level of the character
Joining clans, clubs: you can send the highest available level of the player to parameters, so that you understand at what stages players join clans.
Event name join_clan
Parameter level, e.g., 102
level (int) – highest available level
To track the game mode, you can also send an event about whether the player is playing the pvp arena or co-op.
Event name battle,
Parameters level, result, charachter, e.g., pvp, 100, win, wizard
level (int) – highest available level type (string) – fighting mode result (int) – fight result charachter(int) – character name
The event is sent when the character begins the quest.
Event name quest_started
Parameters quest, type, location, level, e.g., Example_1, main, forest, 2
quest (string) – quest name type (int) – quest type (0 – additional, 1 – main) location (string) – location name level (int) – current level of the character
The event is sent when the character completes a quest stage.
Event name quest_updated
Parameters quest, type, location,stage,level, e.g., Example_1, 0, forest, 2, 2
quest (string) – quest name type (int) – quest type (0 – additional, 1 – main) location (string) – location name stage (int) – current quest stage level (int) – current level of the character
The event is sent when the character comptetes the quest.
Event name quest_finished
Parameters quest, type, location, level, e.g., Example_1, 0, forest, 2
quest (string) – quest name type (int) – quest type (0 – additional, 1 – main) location (string) – loocation name level (int) – current level of the character
The event is sent when the character uses a booster.
Event name booster_used
Parameters booster, type, level, e.g., speed_increase, speedups, 3
booster (string) – booster name type (string) – booster type (speedups, powerups etc.) level (int) – current level of the character
The event is sent when the user upgrades the character.
Event name character_update
Parameter level, e.g., 13
level (int) – current level of the character
The event is sent when the player moves the charcater to another location
Event name location_changed
Parameters location, level, e.g., valley_of_orcs, 15
location (string) – the name of the location where the character was moved level (int) – current level of the character
Character creation.
Event name character_created
Parameters gender, class, e.g., male, mage
gender (string) – gender class – character class
Authorization: this event highlights the levels where players log in, and the methods of authorization.
Event name authorization
Parameters level, method, e.g., main_menu, 10, fb
level (int) – highest available level method (string) – authorization method: social networks, email, game centre
Store opening is an event that allows you to find out at what point and at what level users enter the store. You can also use this event in funnels to see the stages where users have difficulty shopping.
Event name store_open
Parameters source, level, e.g., main_menu, level
level (int) – highest available level source – in-game store points of entrance: the main menu, the playing field, etc.
Viewing items in the store and user interaction with them, e.g., tap on an icon to view the item. This provides an opportunity to build purchase funnels.
Event name goods_view
Parameters product_name, level, category, e.g., XBomb, 2,booster
product_name (string) – the name of the item that the user tapped on level (int) – highest available level category (int) – item category: boosters, coins, custom items
Showing offers and user interaction with them, e.g., tap on an icon to view the offer. This makes it possible to build offer funnels, compare the effectiveness of offers with each other.
Event name open_offer
Parameters offer_name, level, e.g., welcome_offer, 2
offer_name (string) – the name of the offer that the user opened level (int) – highest available level
Treasure chest collecting.
Event name chest_got
Parameter chest_type, e.g., gold chest
chest_type – treasure chest type: usual, free, premium
Treasure chest opening.
Event name chest_open
Parameters chest_type, coins, crystals, card, e.g., free, 500, null, magic
chest_type – treasure chest type: usual, free, premium followed by the names of the items dropped:
coins – coins gained from the chest
crystals – crystals gained from the chest
card – cards gained from the chest
Case example
User level is the main indicator of the user's progress in the game. The player constantly raises his level, improves and achieves new skills and currency. Therefore, we should look at the all in-game economy reports in the context of levels.
First of all, it is worth analyzing the in-game currency, the dynamics of its spendings and savings. Let’s go to the Virtual goods & purchases report. We can see the most popular products in terms of levels and time.
It is also important to know what the players’ shopping basket consists of and how it changes depending on the level. We will go to the Purchases structure report.
Let's see how the demand for certain products varies at the given levels or in time:
Let’s analyze which products’ prices we can change. Let's move on to the ABC/XYZ-analysis for our virtual goods, it allows us to identify categories of goods where we can easily change the price (sub-segments BY, CY, BZ, CZ).
The report shows that the goods bomb, picker, XBomb are bringing to the game the most money and they have the most stable demand, it is better not to experiment with them. On the other hand, you can experiment with pricing and stocks on products from the CZ segment.
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