Google Play Console Stats

Integration with Google Play. Adding Google Play Developer Console account with limited access.

Manage account permissions

Step 1 — Sign in Sign into the Google Play Developer Console

Step 2 — Managing Users From the Users and permissions , you can add users and manage their permissions

  • Click «Settings»

  • Select «Users and permissions»

  • Click «Invite new users»

Step 3 — Add New User Enter new user e-mail address

Set user permissions

Add access to View app information and download bulk reports (read-only) and View financial data, orders and cancellation survey responses

Step 4 — Activate new account After adding new user Google automatically sends an e-mail to validate new account. Click the link from the letter and follow further instructions.

Step 5 — Check reports availability

Please verify that you can download reports under this account, it can be done in Download reports -> Statistics section:

If you have reports available for download you can integrate Google Play in devtodev, otherwise - please check back later.

Find your Bucket ID:

Go to Download reports -> Statistics and click Copy Cloud Storage URI link:

The URI is similar to this: gs://pubsite_prod_rev_00000000000000000000/stats/installs/ where pubsite_prod_rev_00000000000000000000 is your bucket ID.

Last updated

Change request #989: best practices - improved readability