
General Information

In order to work with push notifications, you need to integrate the messaging module. You can do it by using one of the two methods: with the help of the Unity Package Manager (recommended) or by manually importing the unitypackage.

Integration by using the Unity Package Manager

If you integrated the devtodev package manually, then you need to delete the Assets/DevToDev and Plugins/DevToDev folders.

  1. In the Package Manager (Window → Package Manager), click + in the top left corner and select Add package from git URL.

  2. Copy the repository URL https://github.com/devtodev-analytics/package_Messaging.git to the input box and click Add.

  3. Wait for the Unity Package Manager to download the package and all the necessary dependencies.

  4. If you use Android, allow dependencies in Assets → External Dependency Manager → Android Resolver → Resolve.

You can pick a specific SDK version by adding # and a version number at the end of the URL, for example: https://github.com/devtodev-analytics/package_Messaging.git#v3.3.2

Integration by importing unitypackage

  1. Download the latest version of devtodev package from the repository: https://github.com/devtodev-analytics/Unity-sdk-3.0/releases/latest

  2. Import DTDAnalytics.unitypackage to your project

  3. Import DTDMessaging.unitypackage to your project

  4. If you use Android, allow dependencies in Assets → External Dependency Manager → Android Resolver → Resolve.

AndroidiOSWindows (UWP)

Last updated

Change request #989: best practices - improved readability