A/B testing examples

Example №1


Our analytics data show that most of the people make a purchase during their first session. However, only 70% of users open our in-app store during the first session. We hypothesize that if we add a purchase screen to the tutorial then 100% of users will face it and the number of purchases during the first session will increase.

Test criteria

The criteria for test inclusion is starting the tutorial. The DTDAnalytics.tutorial(step: Int) event with step = -1 is the trigger.


Control group: a 10 step tutorial, no purchase screens

Group А: an 11 step tutorial. At step number 5, we will offer a special offer.


// Timer constants
struct Constants {
    static let waitGroupConst = 10.0

// Value keys
enum ValueKey: String {
  case showStore

class AppConfig {
    static func loadDefaults() {
        let appDefaults: [String: Any] = [
            ValueKey.showStore.rawValue: "false"
        // Set default values
        DTDRemoteConfig.defaults = appDefaults
    static func bool(forKey key: ValueKey) -> Bool {
        return DTDRemoteConfig.config[key.rawValue].boolValue

class AppLogic {
    var timer: Timer
    // Tutorial open event (e.g. by clicking the ‘start tutorial’ button)
    func startTutorial() {
        // Send a trigger event that indicates tutorial start
        DTDAnalytics.tutorial(step: -1)
    func nextTutotrialStep(_ currentStep: Int) {
        DTDAnalytics.tutorial(step: currentStep)
        if AppConfig.bool(forKey: .showStore) && currentStep == 5 {
            // Offer purchasing of a special offer

class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {
    func application(_ application: UIApplication,
        willFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
        // Set the maximum time of waiting for an A/B test group
        DTDRemoteConfig.groupDefinitionWaiting = Constants.waitGroupConst
        // Set default values
        // Initialize the SDK for working with A/B testing
        DTDAnalytics.initializeWithAbTest(applicationKey: "appKey",
                                          configuration: config,
                                          abConfigListener: self)

extension AppLogic: DTDRemoteConfigListener {
    // Process the result of waiting for A/B test configuration
    func onReceived(result: DTDRemoteConfigReceiveResult) {
        // It is not used in current example

    // Prepare the app UI for changing the remote configuration
    func onPrepareToChange() {
        // Use the main app thread because you are getting ready for working with the interface
        DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in
            // Display the download progress indicator
            // Add a timer that will forcibly remove the download progress indicator
            self?.timer = Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: Constants.waitGroupConst, repeats: false) { [weak self] _ in
    // Apply the values of the assigned group
    func onChanged(result: DTDRemoteConfigChangeResult, error: Error?) {
        defer {
            // Hide the download progress indicator
            DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in

        switch result {
        case .success:
            // Apply new values

        case .failure:
            // Error processing
            if let error = error {

        @unknown default:

Example №2


Our analytics data show that N users installed the app more than half a year ago but still did not make a purchase. We hypothesize that if we offer a huge discount then we can get additional income.

Test criteria

The criteria for test inclusion is the app install date and the “payer” status.


Control group: current version with usual prices

Group А: it has a discount badge on the main page. After clicking on the badge, a purchase window pops up


 // Timer constants
struct Constants {
    static let waitConfigConst = 10.0
    static let waitGroupConst = 15.0

// Value keys
enum ValueKey: String {
  case maximumDiscount

class AppConfig {
    static func loadDefaults() {
        let appDefaults: [String: Any] = [
            ValueKey.maximumDiscount.rawValue: "false"
        // Set default values
        DTDRemoteConfig.defaults = appDefaults
    static func bool(forKey key: ValueKey) -> Bool {
        return DTDRemoteConfig.config[key.rawValue].boolValue

class AppLogic {
    override func viewDidLoad() {
        // Display the launch screen
    // Launching the main logic of the application
    func startAppForReal() {
        // Update app UI
        // Hide launch screen
    func updateAppUI() {
        if bool(forKey: .maximumDiscount) {
            // Display a discount badge clicking on which invokes a purchase window popup

class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {
    func application(_ application: UIApplication,
        willFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
        // Set the maximum time of waiting for the A/B test configuration
        DTDRemoteConfig.remoteConfigWaiting = Constants.waitConfigConst
        // Set the maximum time of waiting for an A/B test group
        DTDRemoteConfig.groupDefinitionWaiting = Constants.waitGroupConst
        // Set default values
        // Initialize the SDK for working with A/B testing
        DTDAnalytics.initializeWithAbTest(applicationKey: "appKey",
                                          configuration: config,
                                          abConfigListener: self)

extension AppLogic: DTDRemoteConfigListener {
    // Process the result of waiting for A/B test configuration
    func onReceived(result: DTDRemoteConfigReceiveResult) {
        // If the attempt fails, launch the main logic of the application
        if result == .failure {
            DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in

    // Prepare the app UI for changing the remote configuration
    func onPrepareToChange() {
        // It is not used in current example
    // Apply the values of the assigned group
    func onChanged(result: DTDRemoteConfigChangeResult, error: Error?) {
        defer {
            // Launch the main logic of the application
            DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in

        switch result {
        case .success:
            // Apply new values

        case .failure:
            // Error processing
            if let error = error {

        @unknown default:


When receiving the configuration, the SDK always calls the onReceived(result: DTDRemoteConfigReceiveResult) method, and when enrolling in a test - the onPrepareToChange() and onChanged(result: DTDRemoteConfigChangeResult, error: Error?) method. However, you can take some additional precocious measures. You can add a timer as in the following example:

func showLaunchScreen() {
    // Add a timer that will forcibly launch the main logic of the application
    timer = Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: waitConfigConst + waitGroupConst, 
                                          repeats: false) { [weak self] _ in

Example №3


Our analytics data show that only 60% of our users complete the tutorial. We hypothesize that if we make it easier (group A) or reduce the number of seps (group B), we will increase the percentage of tutorial completion.

Test criteria

New users who have not started the tutorial yet.


Control group: current version with usual difficulty and usual number of steps

Group А: low difficulty, usual number of steps

Group B: usual difficulty, few steps


// Timer constants
struct Constants {
    static let waitConfigConst = 10.0

// Value keys
enum ValueKey: String {
    case difficulty
    case stepCount

class AppConfig {
    static func loadDefaults() {
        func loadDefaultValues() {
        let appDefaults: [String: Any] = [
            ValueKey.difficulty.rawValue: 3,
            ValueKey.stepCount.rawValue: 10
        // Set default values
        DTDRemoteConfig.defaults = appDefaults
    func integer(forKey key: ValueKey) -> Int {

class AppLogic {
    // Tutorial open event (e.g. by clicking the ‘start tutorial’ button)
    func startTutorial() {
        // Display the download progress indicator
        // Send a trigger event that indicates tutorial start
        DTDAnalytics.tutorial(step: -1)

    // Initiate tutorial completion
    func realStartTutorial() {
        // Hide the download progress indicator
        // Initiate the tutorial by using the remote values (difficulty and stepCount)
        runTutorial(stepCount: integer(forKey: .stepCount), 
                    difficulty: integer(forKey: .difficulty))

class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {
    func application(_ application: UIApplication,
        willFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
        // Set the maximum time of waiting for the A/B test configuration
        DTDRemoteConfig.remoteConfigWaiting = Constants.waitConfigConst
        // Set default values
        // Initialize the SDK for working with A/B testing
        DTDAnalytics.initializeWithAbTest(applicationKey: "appKey",
                                          configuration: config,
                                          abConfigListener: self)

extension AppLogic: DTDRemoteConfigListener {
    // Process the result of waiting for A/B test configuration
    func onReceived(result: DTDRemoteConfigReceiveResult) {
        // It is not used in current example

    // Prepare the app UI for changing the remote configuration
    func onPrepareToChange() {
        // It is not used in current example
    // Apply the values of the assigned group
    func onChanged(result: DTDRemoteConfigChangeResult, error: Error?) {
        defer {
            // Initiate tutorial completion
            DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in

        switch result {
        case .success:
            // Apply new values

        case .failure:
            // Error processing
            if let error = error {

        @unknown default:

Last updated

Change request #989: best practices - improved readability