
Android Integration

Platform integration

Push Notifications on Android are sent with the help of the FCM service.

How to create a project in Firebase and integrate Firebase Services into your application, you can find in Firebase documentation.

Next, you need to specify the FCM Server key in the push notifications integration settings panel in the application settings section in devtodev service (App → Settings → Push notifications → Push notifications panel)

To get the FCM Server key, go to the Project Settings of your Android project in the Firebase Console and copy the Server key from the Cloud Messaging tab.

Download google-services.json and put it to Assets folder.

Module initialization

1. For the Messaging module to function you need the basic Analytics package. Before the notification initialization, you need to initialize the SDK. More about it you can read here: Unity Integration.

2. After the DTDAnalytics initialization block add:


3. To activate the Messaging module, call :



You can listen to basic notification module events. To do this, create a class that implements the IDTDPushListener interface and pass it to the DTDMessaging.Android.SetPushListener method.

Example of the class:

public class MyPushListener : IDTDPushListener
    public void OnPushServiceRegistrationSuccessful(string deviceId)

    public void OnPushServiceRegistrationFailed(string error)


    public void OnPushNotificationReceived(DTDPushMessage message)

    public void OnInvisibleNotificationReceived(DTDPushMessage message)
        //IOS only.

    public void OnPushNotificationOpened(DTDPushMessage pushMessage, DTDActionButton actionButton)

Full example of notification module initialization:

public class MyPushListener : IDTDPushListener
    public void OnPushServiceRegistrationSuccessful(string deviceId)

    public void OnPushServiceRegistrationFailed(string error)

    public void OnPushNotificationReceived(DTDPushMessage message)

    public void OnInvisibleNotificationReceived(DTDPushMessage message)

    public void OnPushNotificationOpened(DTDPushMessage pushMessage, DTDActionButton actionButton)

public class NotificationExample : MonoBehaviour
    private const string APP_KEY = "***************"
    void Start()
        DTDMessaging.Android.SetPushListener(new PushListener());

Set a custom icon and sound for push notifications

Unity 2019 and older

To set a custom sound, icon and its colour in a push notification, copy icons and sounds files in the Assets/Plugins/Android/res/ folder and add the following strings to the manifest file code:

 android:resource="@drawable/ic_icon_name" />

 android:resource="@color/icon_color" />

To set a large user icon in the push notification, add:


Unity 2020 and newer

  • Delete the \Assets\Plugins\Android\res folder (together with the .meta file) - it will cause an error during assembly.

  • Create a new folder in a separate folder outside of the project.

  • In the new folder, create AndroidManifest.xml with the following content (replace company and package with you own names)

<manifest package="">
  • Create a res folder in the same folder.

  • Add your resources to the res folder while keeping the folder structure intact (drawable, xml, raw, etc.). An example of the resulting structure:

├─── AndroidManifest.xml
└─── res
    └─── drawable
        └─── smallIcon0.png
     └─── mipmap
        └─── largeIcon0.png
     └─── raw
        └─── iconsound.wav 
  • Run the following code in the in the command line/terminal:

jar cvf resources.aar -C . .
  • Place the resulting aar file to the \Assets\Plugins\Android\ (edited) folder

  • Add the following strings to the project’s Android manifest file ( \Assets\Plugins\Android\AndroidManifest.xml):

<meta-data android:name="com.devtodev.push.default_small_icon" android:resource="@drawable/smallIcon0" />
<meta-data android:name="com.devtodev.push.default_large_icon" android:resource="@mipmap/largeIcon0" />

External interface of the DTDMessaging module for Android platform


void DTDMessaging.Android.Initialize()

The push notification initialization method

void DTDMessaging.Android.StartPushService()

The push notification activation method. It passes the isAllowed current state

void DTDMessaging.Android.PushIsAllowed (bool isAllowed)

A property responsible for the activation/deactivation of push notifications.When the state transitions, it sends a pt with isAllowed (true or false) status to the server.

The isAllowed flag status is stored in the SDK.

void DTDMessaging.Android.GetPushState(Action<bool?> onGetPushState)

The method that returns the push module state to onGetPushState callback. If getting the current state is impossible, it returns null

void DTDMessaging.Android.GetToken(Action<string> onGetToken)

The method that returns push registration token to onGetToken callback

void DTDMessaging.Android.ProcessPushNotification (IDictionary<string, string> firebaseMessaging)

Used to pass the push notification to the FirebaseMessagingService if it was implemented by the client but not by the SDK

void DTDMessaging.SetPushListener (IDTDPushListener pushListener)

It sets a listener for push notification event trapping

Class for receiving Notification data (DTDPushMessage). Main class properties


IDictionary<string,string> GetData():

Complete information passed with the push notification.

DTDActionType ActionType:

The property that returns the value of enum’s DTDActionType.

Possible values:

App - app open

Url - external link open

Share - share content

Deeplink - an in-app link opening

string ActionString

The property that returns an optional action identifier

IDictionary<string,string> AdditionalData()

Additional data sent to push notification

Class for handling buttons clicked in the notification (DTDActionButton)


DTDActionType ActionType

The property that returns the value of enum’s DTDActionType.

Possible values:

App - app open

Url - external link open

Share - share content

Deeplink - an in-app link opening

string ActionString

Property that returns an optional action identifier

string ButtonId

Property that returns the ID of the clicked button

string ButtonText

Property that returns the text of the clicked button

string ButtonIcon

Property that returns the button icon name

bool IsBackground

The button-click app open mode

Last updated

Change request #989: best practices - improved readability