In-game analysis reports
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Reports in this section are designed specially for game projects and allow to analyze game economies. You can find here information about in-game purchases, levels, locations, in-game currencies balances distributed by levels, etc
In-Game Analysis reports:
This dashboard presents an overview of data related to in-app purchases. All data is shown for a specified period of time (last 30 days are selected by default).
The first widget shows the dynamics of main in-game currencies for the first 20 levels.
Widgets “Top purchases” and “Top 3 purchases by days” show top in-app virtual purchases. “Top purchases” show purchases ordered descending by the amount of bought items. “Top 3 purchases by days” widget shows daily dynamics of top 3 items.
Widget “Top levels by revenue” shows levels stats:
Gross on each level
Number of users that completed a particular level
Number and % of users remaining on a level
Number of paying users and paying share
Click a 🔎 to open a more detailed report.
The Economy Balance report shows the amount of in-game currency earned, bought, spent and kept in the account on each level or time period.
In this report, you can find the following information:
Currency balance by level shows how much virtual currency is bought, earned, spent and kept in accounts on each level.
The same currency balance with aggregation by day, week, or month. Then you can match it to various in-game events or promotions.
Currency sources
Let’s take a look at how reports are created.
To calculate the Currency Balance metric with aggregation by level, we use the LevelUp event. It also passes information about current level and amount of currency held by a user.
The Currency Balance metric aggregated by time periods (day, week, month) shows how currency was spent and earned during the specified calendar periods. This feature is available for SDK version 2.0 and above.
To build a report, we use the currency accrual event that can track currency gains (earned, bought) and that is sent to the SDK every 5 minutes. The currency balance is tracked by the current balance event that is sent once a day. Information about currency spent (spent) is taken from the Virtual Currency Payment event.
You can display data in absolute and relative values. If you select Relative, then the metrics are calculated in the following manner:
Earned = Earned / (Earned + Bought)
Bought = Bought / (Earned + Bought)
Spent = - Spent / (Earned + Bought)
The value of Balance doesn’t change, so calculation is not applicable
You can also display Total - the total amount of currency, or Average - the average amount of currency per user (e.g. total amount spent divided by the number of users who spent it).
The Source of earn metric is also only available for SDK version 2.0 and above. It shows how users gain currency (earned). The Source parameter is passed with the currency accrual event.
The LevelUp event is used for grouping by levels.
If you apply the Relative unit, you will get information on the share of a specified source relative to all other sources.
Default report period is the last 30 days, you can change it in the top right corner. You can configure a filter in the report, use an already created filter template or custom segment to get more detailed data. Press “Refresh” button to apply the changes.
The Virtual Goods & Purchases report shows the detailed overview of how users spend in-game currency.
There are 4 pages available:
Top purchases
Structure of purchases
Dynamics of purchases
To build the report, click the "View result” button. If you would like to build the report after changing settings, use the “Refresh” button.
It is possible to set the range of levels you are most interested in for each page.
Moreover, you can configure a filter in the reports, use already created filter template or custom segment to get more detailed data.
The Top purchases page shows top 5 in-game items based on the number of purchases that can be grouped by levels or days. You can check this statistics for all in-game currencies. The default period for this report is 5 weeks.
The Purchases structure tab contains information about the items sold in the selected in-game currency or real currency. The report can help you analyze the structure of a player's basket and how it changes depending on the level they are on now. Use the report to answer the following questions:
How much in-game currency was spent and the share of these spendings in total spend of this particular currency
What is the average price of this item on all levels/dates?
What is the minimum level at which this item was purchased?
The resulting table can include the following metrics:
The number of purchases
Total currency spent
The number of items purchased on each level (available if ‘Metrics by level’ = pcs)
The amount of currency spent on each level (available if ‘Metrics by level’ = Currency spent)
Min level of purchase, Avg. price, % off all currency spent (available if ‘Metrics by level’ = No)
The default period for this report is last 30 days.
The report includes several controls. From the ‘Currency’ drop-down list, choose the in-game or real-world currency (e.g. to view currency spend distribution by levels or find the lowest level where users buy a starter pack).
If you need data by level, configure the report type using the ‘Metric by level’ drop-down list. It has the following options:
No. In this case, the resulting table will not contain any data by levels. It will only include the following information: Pcs, currency spent, percentage of the total currency spent, average price, and the minimum level of item purchasing.
Pcs. The report will include the total number of purchased items and the number purchased items by level.
Currency spent. The resulting table will contain the total amount of spent currency and the amount of currency spent on each level.
You can also specify the level range here.
Use the section below to choose the display mode of the purchased items: group the item groups (it may come in handy if you have plenty of items or you want to look at the bigger picture) or group the items. Use the filters to the right to select the items for analysis.
If you want to analyze the change in demand for specific items or offers by levels, open the Purchases dynamics tap.
The Purchases dynamics report contains information about changes in sales of selected items or purchases in real-world money. It can display sales data over time by dates or by levels.
It has several controls for report configuration.
First, specify the mode of data grouping: by days or levels.
Then, select the desired metric from the drop-down list:
Items purchased to view the total number of items sold on the level or for a day.
Items purchased per buyer to view the number of items purchased on a specific level divided by the number of buyers.
% of buyers among active users to view the number of buyers divided by DAU.
Number of buyers
After that, select the chart visual: Chart or Bar chart. Also, you can specify the level range.
In the section below, select the items or groups that you want to see over time:
Virtual items
Virtual item categories
Real payments
ABC/XYZ-analysis divides the set of items purchased for a chosen currency into 9 segments based on the amount of revenue that is generated by a particular item and stability of demand.
Those categories are:
High contribution to the revenue structure - Goods that make up 80% of all purchases
Average contribution to the revenue structure - Goods in 80%, but out of 90% of all purchases
Low contribution to the revenue structure - Goods out of 90% of all purchases
Stable demand - Demand fluctuations up to 60%
Moderately stable demand - Demand fluctuations from 20% to 60%
Unstable demand - Demand fluctuations more than 60%
The default period for this report is the last 30 days.
This report shows the distribution of users among players’ levels (of experience), locations and cumulative metrics.
There are three pages available:
Player levels
Cumulative metrics by level
On each page you can choose up to 3 metrics to track and select a time period. On the “Player levels” page the last activity date is used, on the “Locations” page - calendar date, on the “Cumulative metrics by level” page - install date.
To build the report, click the “View result” button. If you would like to build the report after changing settings, use the “Refresh” button. Moreover, you can configure a filter in the reports, use already created filter template or custom segment to get more detailed data.
On the Player levels page you can track user related metrics grouped by levels (of players’ experience):
The number of users that completed or remain on a particular level in absolute and percentage values
The amount of generated revenue
Cumulative metrics by level - this report shows cumulative metrics in the context of game levels (player experience), using the report you can predict what income and at what level the user will bring.
The report contains the following metrics:
Cumulative ARPU by level - cumulative income of the average user at each level
Level ARPU - average income from one active user at each level
Level conversion - conversion to the first payment by level, the number of users who made a payment on a certain level divided by the number of applications installed.
Cumulative level conversion - cumulative conversion to the first payment by level
Users reached the level - the number of users at the game level
You can evaluate how much a player will bring to a project to a particular level, compare the value of game levels, determine which levels are most profitable, evaluate the change in accumulative metrics after processing a game level.
Cumulative ARPU by level allows you to compare cohorts, for example, when you made any changes to the product. To find out if users began to pay more or less you can compare the dynamics of cumulative ARPU for cohorts that installed the application before or after changes.
Cumulative conversion by level will also help to analyze the changes in the product. For example, earlier, 1% of users was converted to a purchase at the 20th level, but after a new release 1.5% of users began to be converted. You can’t notice such changes on the regular conversion chart by level, because it could be redistributed: before users paid more at the 3rd and 8th levels, now - at the 5th and 6th levels. Thanks to the levels at which the changes were made, cumulative conversion will let you know if more users were converted to the purchase than before the changes.
It will also be useful to compare the behavior of cumulative conversion and cumulative ARPU by level. For example, cumulative conversion has increased, and cumulative ARPU to the 20th level has become lower than before the changes, this may indicate that there are more paying users but they pay less.
It is important to note that for the payment event at the level we take exactly the level at which the payment was made (not the one at which the player is currently located).
The Locations report shows statistics about quests, game levels, etc. Therefore, here you can find both user related and location related metrics:
Location complexity (the rate of successful attempts)
The number of successful/unsuccessful attempts needed to pass the location
The amount of users’ earnings and spendings for real and virtual currencies
There are two types of metrics aggregation – total sum and average.
This report can be saved to a custom dashboard as a widget. Click on Save to dashboard button and select the dashboard where you would like to add the report.