
The SDK is available as an AAR (recommended) and JAR library. The library is available in the MavenCentral and GitHub repository.

Step 1. Gradle Build Dependencies

If you use Gradle for building apps specify the following dependencies in the build.gradle file in the dependencies block.

dependencies {
    implementation β€˜androidx.preference:preference-ktx:1.1.1
    implementation ''
    implementation ''
    implementation ''
    implementation ''
    // if you use AAR (recommended) or JAR downloaded from GitHub, please add:
    implementation fileTree(dir: "libs", include: ["*.aar"]) 
    // or just add the dependency
    implementation 'com.devtodev:android-analytics:2.0.0'

Step 2. SDK Initialization

Use the following way to initialize the library in the first Activity onCreate() method:

class MainActivity : Activity() {
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        val analyticsConfiguration = DTDAnalyticsConfiguration()
        analyticsConfiguration.logLevel = DTDLogLevel.Error
        DTDAnalytics.initialize("App ID", analyticsConfiguration, context)
  • You can find the App ID in the settings of the respective app in devtodev (Settings β†’ SDK β†’ Integration β†’ Credentials).

  • config - is a DTDAnalyticsConfiguration object instance that is used for specifying additional properties during initialization.







The player level at the moment of devtodev SDK initialization. It’s optional but we recommend using it for improving data accuracy.



A custom user ID assigned by the developer. In the case of default calculation by device IDs, the identifier can be used for searching users in devtodev. In case the project uses calculation by user IDs, the parameter is mandatory because it becomes the principal calculation ID in devtodev.


DTDTrackingStatus (enum)

The property allows or disallows devtodev tracking of the user. By default, it is set to DTDTrackingStatus.enable. SDK stores the previously assigned value. Pass DTDTrackingStatus.disable if the user opted out of tracking in line with GDPR.


DTDLogLevel (enum)

The level of logging the SDK activity. The value is used by default. For troubleshooting during integration it is recommended to set it to DTDLogLevel.debug, and either switch it off or use it only for error handling DTDLogLevel.error in the release version.


let config = DTDAnalyticsConfiguration()
config.currentLevel = 1
config.userId = "CustomUserID"
config.trackingAvailability = DTDTrackingStatus.Enable
config.logLevel = .error
DTDAnalytics.initialize(applicationKey: "appKey", configuration: config)

Step 3. SDK Initialization

Add the following strings to the file of your app

-keep class com.devtodev.** { *; }
-dontwarn com.devtodev.**

Last updated

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