Cohort analysis

Cohort analysis overview

This report shows the dynamics of quality metrics for different cohorts based on install date.

There are two pages available:

  1. Custom cohorts

  2. Weekly cohorts

The Custom cohorts report presents quality metrics data grouped by 3 cohorts.

Default cohorts are calculated based on install dates only, but additional filters can also be used.

If you have data for the period of more than 3 days and less than the period of 28 days, the following cohorts are shown:

  • Cohort 1 – users who installed the app yesterday

  • Cohort 2 – users who installed the app 2 days ago

  • Cohort 3 – users who installed the app 3 days ago

If you have data for the period less than 3 days, you will need to wait for cohorts to appear.

It is also possible to create custom cohorts that are based on a certain period of install date. Also, you can add available filters to them. Use the "+ Cohort" button to create a custom cohort.

There are 3 main widgets on this page:

  • Table

  • Retention line chart

  • Cumulative ARPU line chart

With the table widget you can select and track up to 5 quality metrics. The following metrics are shown by default:

  • Tutorial Conversion

  • Retention Day 1

  • Retention Day 7

  • Paying Conversion

  • Cumulative ARPU for 7 days

To build the report, click the “View result” button. If you would like to build the report after changing settings, use the “Refresh” button.

The Weekly cohorts page shows the audience and gross structure grouped by the week when the app was installed. It is possible to select the type of data display – in absolute or percentage values.

Last updated